Helicopter parents are parents that monitor their children's activities and schooling in an effort to not only shield them from suffering and failure but also to help them achieve. Helicopter parents are characterized by their excessive involvement in their children's lives. Meanwhile, the phrase "helicopter parent" is used to depict overprotective parents in the popular media.
The phrase helicopter parent was created in the 1969 book Between Parent and Teenager. According to the book's protagonist, his mother kept watching over him like a helicopter. Since then, many college administrators have used the word to refer to parents who continue to try to keep an eye on their children after they have left for college, and the term has since expanded to include all overprotective parents.
Although the phrase "helicopter parent" is frequently used in a disparaging context, helicopter parenting is not inherently negative.
Typically, you can rely on the children of helicopter parents to arrive on time, complete their homework, and be prepared for their activities.
Also, helicopter parents of younger children and adolescents are likely to always know where their children are, which is an important safety factor.
Similarly, helicopter parents are typically aware of their child's social circle and academic performance. And if their child is suffering in school or their grades are falling, they will do all possible to assist them. The same holds true for sicknesses, bullying issues, and even mental health issues. Helicopter parents will do tremendous efforts to ensure that these difficulties are resolved.
In addition, helicopter parents have typically involved parents who are the first to volunteer for school events and who may even join the PTA. For this reason, schools, instructors, and coaches can gain from the time, effort, and resources they invest in making their institution, classroom, or squad the best it can be.
There are articles, books, and podcasts (and more) that do not portray this parenting approach negatively. They assert that helicopter parenting is harmful to children and recommend parents avoid it and provide their children some space.
However, as with anything in life, there are pros and cons to helicopter parenting; the key is to strike a balance when employing the strategy.
Here are several ways in which a "helicopter parent" approach might really be beneficial to your child.
Having you around can provide children with a sense of security; this sense of security encourages youngsters to attempt new things without fear of failing. Even as they mature into young adults, your child will continue to consider you as a type of safety net. They will get the impression that you will always be there for them and that you have their back. They find this both uplifting and reassuring.
In addition to feeling as though they have a strong support system in you, they will also feel as though they are seen. It is essential that your child not only feels that you are there for them, but also that you hear them, comprehend them, and recognize them for who they are.
Children feel unseen when their parents are engaged with other things, such as work or even themselves. With parenting approaches that are more focused on the child and the child's needs, the child is aware that they are not only cared for but cared for.
Children may not always seek out new or varied activities on their own; they gravitate toward hobbies, interests, and activities in which they excel. Having parents who encourage kids to try new things, such as languages, instruments, sports, etc., aids in the development of diverse abilities and the identification of interests and preferences.
Children who engage in multiple activities are more likely to experience failure, which is a positive development. Children grow more resilient and tenacious when they are not the best at something, and perfectionism is diminished as a result.
If you are a helicopter parent, you probably want your children to succeed. You actively assist them with their homework, assist them with extracurricular activities, and establish in them the value of practice, time, and effort.
This strategy provides your youngster with life skills and lessons for the future, in addition to its immediate benefits.
As with everything else in life, there is no one correct or optimal approach to raising a child. Similarly, helicopter parenting is neither exclusively negative nor exclusively positive. Additionally, distinct components of various parenting styles will work better for some families and children than for others. In essence, parents should assess the impact and ideals of many parenting styles before implementing the ones that feel right.
Now you know why parenting is rewarding, you can read why parenting styles are important in raising a child.