Permissive parenting (also known as indulgent parenting), not to confuse with gentle parenting, is a style of parenting that is characterized by few and inconsistent rules and a relaxed, more friend-like approach to parenting. This was one of the three initial parenting styles that Diana Baumrind established. Permissive parents frequently use bribery to get their children to behave, despite the fact that they are extremely nurturing and loving towards their children. In a household with permissive parents, there are few demands and few governing rules. Children raised with this parenting style may exhibit insecure behaviors, lack social skills such as sharing, be demanding, lack self-discipline, and be more prone to substance abuse.
This method of parenting involves:
- Being loving and friendly but unwilling to enforce boundaries.
- Rejecting the concept of controlling their children
- Similar to the authoritative approach, they provide their children with emotional support and are receptive to their needs.
- Parents who are permissive are not demanding. Children have little obligations and are let to control the majority of their behavior and decisions.
- Studies have revealed relationships between permissive parenting and adolescent alcohol consumption, as well as school misbehavior and academic success.
- This sort of family does not manage screen time and snacking, which can lead to obesity risk and an average of four hours of television each day.
The disadvantages of this parenting approach include:
- Children are not forced to be polite or responsible around the house.
- In terms of bedtimes, schoolwork, meals, and television viewing, the youngster normally has considerable autonomy.
- Children make their own choices without parental or caregiver influence.
- Children are impulsive, aggressive, and lacking in independence and personal responsibility, mostly as a result of the absence of significant limits. They may exhibit anxiety and depressive symptoms.
- While these children often have great self-esteem and strong social skills, they are also demanding and self-centered.
Similar to children raised with an overprotective parenting style, these children are very inclined to seek praise and the value of their self-worth outside (from classmates and strangers) rather than internally (from themselves), which may be quite harmful.
How to Alter Authoritative Parenting
If you tend to be a pushover or have difficulty enforcing regulations, you should consider developing more authoritative parenting behaviors. This can be challenging at times since it frequently involves becoming harsher, enforcing rules, and being able to deal with your child's distress.
Several strategies to consider:
- Create a list of fundamental family rules. For your children to understand how they should act, they must have a clear understanding of your expectations.
- Continue to follow through. This might be the most difficult challenge for permissive parents, but it is crucial. Try to be consistent and tough, but also loving. Help your children comprehend the significance of such rules by offering proper feedback and explanations while ensuring that consequences are in place.
- Ensure your children comprehend the consequences of disobeying the rules. Guidelines are ineffective if there are no consequences for not following them. The logical repercussions for disobeying home rules are time-outs and privilege loss.
- Reward positive conduct. Try to catch your children doing kind and reward them with unique privileges when they do so.
Permissive parenting may lead to a lot of issues, so if you identify these indicators of permissiveness in your own parenting, it is in your best interest to adopt a more authoritative approach.
If you tend to be a lax parent, consider strategies to assist your children in comprehending your expectations and guidelines and be consistent in enforcing them. By giving your children the ideal combination of structure and support, you can guarantee that they develop the skills necessary for lifelong success.